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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:58:48 -0500
Leslie Kauffman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello Everyone!
I apologize, because I only seem to post when I need your help...
My big boy Daggett is having a little problem again...
About 2 weeks ago he woke me up out of a deep sleep while having a sneezing
fit...it actually is more like sneeze...sneeze...sneeze...wheeze....
wheeze...wheeze...wheeze...wheeze... I jumped out of bed, turned on the
light and ran over to their cage...and...then nothing.  He was just siting
there in his hammock looking confused that I was hysterical...I kept close
watch on him after that....eating / drinking fine, pooping fine, playing
fine.  No explanation.  I gave him some extra hairball stuff just to be on
the safe side.
Last night he did the same thing...again, I turned on the light, ran to the
cage and nothing...after I calmed down, I went back to bed...then every so
often he would sneeze occasionally, but no more sneezing fits and no
The wheezing part last night sounded almost like a wheeze / choke
sound...almost like when I have an asthma attack.  I think it could be any
number of things...dust, allergies, cold, hairball, blockage?!?  or maybe
just paranoid mommy (I hope).  This morning he was eating and drinking when
I left for work...no scary poops in the box...My husband is going to keep
an eye on him during morning playtime.
I just wanted to get feedback from anyone who has had a similar problem.
I won't be able to get him to the vet unless it is an emergency until
Saturday and I am worried....
Thanks to everyone for all your help!
Leslie, Bean and Daggett
[Posted in FML issue 2568]