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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 20:08:40 +1300
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Okay, my kits have been eating raw meat in their food since they were four
weeks old... but that was minced!  A few minutes ago, my little darlings
had their first experience of a whole bowl of chopped up rump steak!
Oh, it was hilarious.  At least they were minimally polite as they crowded
into the bowl to pick their piece!!  One by one they snatched their bit,
grabbed, and took off to some unoccupied section of the cage, hissing all
the way!
The kits had a ball, every time any other ferret approached, sibling or
adult alike, they would bark loudly, then RUN hissing to another unoccupied
area.  ROTFL It's fun!!
Luckily, the bowl had heaps of meat in it.  Kitten (one of my jills) kept
running back and forth, taking her pick of the meat, preferably something
from Kovu or Bancho's jaws, and stashing it safely away.  Baby expected me
to reach into the fray and pass her pieces to her so she didn't need to get
on the 'ground floor' with the savages!  Kovu sniffed, and took one piece,
but really only wanted to steal some from a kit, and Bancho wanted to be
handfed.  Vader was one of the first in, and chomped away merrily while the
others dug in for more LOL
All in all, it didn't last long in the bowl, but even now, I still hear
the hissing and barking as they finish their treat and go into play.  Yup,
they' definitely like their meat!!  It's so much fun to watch, almost a
game in itself ;o)
Okay, I'm off to clean the other cage before bringing the kits back inside
again :o)
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[Posted in FML issue 2567]