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Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:44:30 PST
Jodi Carta <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Teesha, it has been a year tonight..you said goodbye.
We had the priviledge of holding you until you took your last breath.  I
want you to know that I miss you so much and you will allways hold a truely
special place in my heart no matter how many fur children mom adopts in the
next 60 years.  You were my first little girl...and so sweet you were.  To
this day we don't know what took your life...and it kills me not knowing.
We did everything we could..in a way, I wish I would of let you cross
earlier..but then I would of made this choice for you and I would not have
had the honor of holding you while you passed...I know this comforted you.
It was the most horrifying thing in the world for me, but at the same time,
it was one of the most beautiful..to see you leave us and meet your maker.
I know you will be waiting for me because God knows how much you mean to me.
Tyler misses you too....
When Tyler passes, you will be together....I plan to bury your ashes
together in a very special place.  You will then be physically and
spiritually together, forever.
I love and miss you Teesha Jean!!
Tyler, Tessa and Fur Angels "Taylor and Teesha"
[Posted in FML issue 2567]