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Sun, 24 Jan 1999 13:48:21 +0100
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi everyone,
This is my first mail to the list.  I'm from Holland, so may be I don't
write every word the way it should be.  Excuse me for that.
I read so much questions lately about teeth cleaning in ferrets.  I had the
teeth of one of my ferrets cleaned just over a week ago.  Before I had that
done, she refused to eat.  She vomitted and the lost a lot of weight.  I
took her to the vet.  She got an injection to get her stomach to rest.  I
had the vet check her teeth, she said there was a bit of scale and a minor
She kept vomitting.  So I got other medication for her stomach.  Then I
figured she wouldn't eat any dry food.  But when offered softfood she ate
like she hadn't eaten for days.  So I called the vet and told him that I
wanted Nanoushkas teeth cleaned.  He seemed to think I had lost my mind.
But he wanted to do it.  So I took her to the vet.  And he cleaned the
Now it is a week after the cleaning and she doesn't vomit and she eats her
dry food.  She is more active and she has gained some weight.  And her gums
are pink now instead of red.  Her teeth are now all ,exept for one which
has a broken tip, white.  Not one tooth had to be removed.
So I think if a ferret has some eating or stomach problems, you should
check their teeth.  It helped for my ferret.
Esther and the 7 most cute ferrets in the world
(Bunzie, Jumper, Nanoushka, Sammy, Sinbad, Shelly and Stimpy)
[Posted in FML issue 2566]