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Wed, 20 Jan 1999 03:50:13 -0600
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Well, I have been reviewing some of the posting about the problems with
couches.  I have also experienced the frustration of trying to keep the
fuzzies out of the couch.  Our couch is fabric made and they were able to
sneak in from behind the cushions.  They really enjoyed the giant hammock
that was inside.  I took the wonderful smell of a fresh raisin to fish them
out.  They eventually caught on to this game and decided that they would
rather enjoy the comforts of the couch than have the raisin at times.
Well, obviously, I did not like them being inside of the couch for many
different reasons.  Because of this, I decided to slightly cut the bottom
fabric of the couch so I could more easily get them out.  It wasn't much
longer after doing so that I realized one of our fuzzies was too lazy to
head for the litter box in their cage and made her own potty room in the
corner of the couch.  Well, needless to say, this was unacceptable and I
decided to remove the entire cloth material from the bottom of the couch.
I think I have finally one the battle with our 2 wonderfully determined
little squirts.  Eventhough they still enjoy taking a snooze under the
couch sometimes, I do not have to worry about them anymore.  They no longer
find the need to explore and the giant hammock is gone.  Just as an
additional warning to those that have ferrets with the couch curiosity
syndrome, the inside of the couch may sometimes contain loose materials
that may be very hazardous to them if they ingest it.  (I.e.. foam padding
material, etc... )
Take care and keep on dookin :-)
Brian & Valerie
Mindy (Those remote controls are mine) and Cinny (You can't stop me from
getting back behind the TV Daddy!)
[Posted in FML issue 2562]