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Fri, 15 Jan 1999 10:37:28 -0500
April Gallaty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I just wanted to let everyone know my experience with my dog and cat with
my two little ferrets.  We have had the dog for 18 years and the cat for 4
years.  Then, we bring in two little, fast moving, hyper, buzzsaws.
It has worked out well.  Since the dog has no teeth and no patience, she
is not that much of a harm to the ferrets with her temper tantrums.  The
ferrets are a bit distressing to her, so we keep them separated as much as
possible.  After the first week or two, they have pretty much figured out
that the old orange grump is no fun to play with and leave her alone :)
The cat on the other hand is LOADS of fun.  The cat has more patience and
is willing to spend wrestle time with the ferrets.  The only thing about
this situation was that we were worried that out 10 pound, fully grown, all
his claws, muscular Tom cat would hurt these little guys.  (He dwarfs them
by about 9 pounds a piece at this point).
But, he knows to go to high ground to get away and they lose interest after
looking for him for about 5 seconds. :)  We came in one day and found the
cat on the floor, laying on his back, with a 1 pound ferret monster of
hell laying on his stomach.  The baby was chewing and grabbing and shaking
vigorously at his chest and stomach.  The cat was just laying there with
his head back and lightly patting at the top of the ferret's head.  Not
hard and no claws.
It's even funnier to be in the livingroom or kitchen and see a ferret run
by as fast as she can go with the cat on her heels and then 5 seconds
later, the cat comes running back with 2 ferrets on his heels :)
Never a dull moment in this house!  Hope I didn't bore you guys.  You can
see all of our menagerie at the link below.  Happy Dooking!!!!
April, Luna, Sola (1 pound ferret monster of hell), Bridgette the dog and
Nutt the (gentle giant) cat.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup."
[Posted in FML issue 2557]