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Fri, 15 Jan 1999 19:14:08 -0500
Sherry Cox <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Greetings to all friends and fuzzies out there!
Some of you may recall the story of our newest family member, Sequoia, who
was rescued last year by the head of our local ferret club.  Sequoia is a
6-7 year old mohagany (somewhat darker red than cinammon) female who had
been left in heat too long by a large backyard breeder.  Why anyone left a
jill intact that long is beyond me, but she was.  We had been hoping to
give her a bit more time to settle into our family before getting her
spaying done, but noticed Christmas day that she was going into heat again.
I dropped her off Monday evening for her appointment on Tuesday.  We
decided to have one of her canine teeth pulled as well, because it was
decaying, and I was nervous enough about putting her under once.  I was
rather apprehensive about her surgery, due to her age, and the fact that
she was far enough into her heat to be ready for breeding, but she came
through with flying colors!  They couldn't extract the whole tooth, but
managed to get below the decay, and we're giving her amoxi to ward off any
infections in the root.  The biggest problem we found was getting her from
the vet, because of this ugly weather we've been having.  The clinic shut
down early Wed and Thurs due to bad conditions, and I couldn't get out of
work early enough to get her.  But Thursday afternoon, her daddy picked her
up in his semi on his delivery route, and she got to run a few deliveries
with him.  She wasn't too impressed though, because she found it hard to
sleep in the loud vibrating truck.
She is such a sweet girl, already very deep in our hearts, despite the
short time we've had her.  This is the girl who wasn't socialized ever
until this year, and she's never bit one person.  (She does bite Chumba and
Dessie while screaming in their ears, and occasionaly poofs on them, but
who's perfect?) One of the girls at the clinic said if Sequoia stayed one
more day, she'd have to kidnap her, because she feel so in love with her.
Chumba and Dessie are both doing great!  We've been trying a few of the
techniques suggested here in the list to help make our fuzzies a little
more indulgent of our need to lavish them with love.  It's funny, though,
because when you hold Dessie still for a few minutes, he's like a tightly
coiled spring that flies apart when you let him go.  I guess that's part
of a 6 month old fuzzy's personality, total energy needing to move.
I wanted to share the funny story of how Sequoia has gotten her second
name.  She has only a little stump of a tail (no one is quite sure what
happened to it) that is covered with soft, fluffy fur.  Well, of course,
it looks like a cute little rabbit tail, when she waddles around.  So, I
started calling her 'bunny butt'.  The funny thing is, I didn't make the
connection for the first week, but the friend who rehabbed her for the last
year who gave her to us is named Bunny.  But Sequoia's nickname has stuck,
so I hope Bunny isn't offended when she hears it :).
Sorry it's so long, just haven't had much time to post the last few weeks,
between holidays, nasty weather, and server problems.  I hope all fuzzies
are doing well, and I send out many prayers for the sick ones, and for
anyone who's heart has been broken by the loss of a loved one.  Sherry,
Dessie (Mom, you've gotta let me down, I'm getting behind schedule!),
Chumba (look at her naked belly, is that what they are gonna do to me?!),
and Sequoia (I feel fine, Mom, why won't you let me run and play and climb
and chase the kitty and....and....)
http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/pier/8102/ Meet my fuzzy family!
[Posted in FML issue 2557]