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Wed, 13 Jan 1999 22:39:39 -0500
DJTuvell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
(Sorry to yell.) Here's the scoop: McKyle, my 1 1/2 year old MF boy, has
some weird fur loss.  First (7-10 months ago) he had a thumbprint-sized
patch of baldness on his right rear/side, closer to the middle than the
butt.  The skin was slightly pinker than the surrounding furry skin, and
the spot seemed a tiny bit raised (swollen).  So we took him to the vet
then.  He did not have the TN panel (or whatever it is that can be used to
diagnose adrenal disease), but he did have blood drawn 3 separate times for
bloodwork, which in the end showed a particular value to be steadily
decreasing (it had been too high), and so the vet (we saw Dr. Schirmer, who
works at Dr. Kemmerer's hospital) thought this was a good thing and NOT
indicative of adrenal disease.  Now, what this value was I cannot remember,
but I'm sure I could get that from his file at the vet's if someone thought
it necessary in order to help me with this situation.  I don't question the
expertise of Dr. Schirmer, but I wonder- can the levels of whatever value
he was looking at really be able to make him think it's not an adrenal
problem?  (My understanding is that the TN panel is the only sure method of
diagnosis.) But I digress.  Well, the bald spot we went to the vet for at
that time eventually grew hair back over it.  However, the problem now is
that the exact same spot is bald again (and has the same very slight
pinkness & swelling).  Also, today I noticed a couple of dime-sized,
irregularly shaped bald patches just above where his front leg attaches to
his body- sort of at the base of the neck, in the front (belly side).  One
of them has a small scab that's almost healed on it, but I see scabs on the
ferrets every once in a while just because they play a bit rough sometimes.
So now I am again scared that I *may* have an adrenal problem on my hands.
However, I just have a weird sort of feeling that that's not it.  I mean,
there's no hair loss on the tail at all, and the first bald spot grew hair
back for a while, and the vet's tests denied adrenal problems.  So WHAT IS
THIS???  I am so worried, and I am at such a loss.  We could go see the vet
again, but if the same tests will be done again, will they be able to tell
us anything conclusive?  The ferrets are generally pretty itchy, but I
thought that was just ferrets.  We do use Cheer-Free detergent (for my
sensitive skin as much as theirs).  I saw a flea recently which I think
they picked up from my mom-in-law's stinkin' cat >:( at Christmas.  I am
going to get some Advantage, but I don't think the fleas could have caused
enough itchiness yet to make McKyle scratch himself bald.  I just don't
know what to do!!!  And until I find out I will be worrying myself sick.
If you can give me knowledgeable information about this PLEASE e-mail me
privately!  Thank you!!
--Rachelle (The worried mom)    [log in to unmask]
---McKyle (Hey!  Where's my fur going?)
---Merlin (My shaved arms are starting to look pretty furry again!)
[Posted in FML issue 2555]