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Sat, 9 Jan 1999 11:48:51 -0800
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Greetings and Hallucinations!
Finally got time to write something, funny when I am cleaning the ferret
rooms and litter boxes, I come up with all kinds of things to write about,
I mean really intelligent, expert sounding type stuff.  But when I am done,
I tend to forget everything that I had thought of.  I know I am no expert,
and using big words, well that isn't me.
Any way, to what I wanted to day.
Don't let Laurie Long of the Raisin Retreat, Elyria fool you.  She is the
one that is doing all the work.  I just help out when I get over there.
That is it.  She is one hell of a lady, and I admire her for her devotion
to the ferrets and family.  She is very protective of both, and extremely
protective of the Lost Souls.  She wants them to go into loving homes,
where they won't have to worry about breeding, raising babies, or anything.
Just act like ferrets and be pets that are loved.
On that front, Millie Sanders made a whole bunch of hammocks for the Lost
Souls.  Enough that when each one is adopted out, they can have a hammock
they are familiar with with them to keep them secure.  She even send a few
towel and blankies.  Way to go Millie.  You are super!
For Christmas, the shelter kids got a few blankies, each one has been
claimed and will go with the fur angel when adopted.  Toys, (the toys that
are special to each ferret will go with the ferret when adopted) and
Totally Ferret.  They had a great Christmas.  Oh, and they even got gift
certificates for Pet Smart.  Hmm, sometimes I wish I were a ferret.
Those who have sent SOS dollars, thank you.  I started (again) putting them
in a 5 gallon water bottle from Minnie HaHa, or some water company.  They
will be saved for future needs, like distemper meds, vet bills, and if I
am really luck, I'll save enough to get that really cool cat house, I mean
ferret house in Jeffers, (my neighbor got it for her cats and we tested it
with the ferrets, they loved it!)  I think my personal ferrets are getting
jealous of the shelter ferrets, they have more new toys and such.  but they
need it most.  My guys are spoiled too folks, don't worry.
Oh, and speaking of vet's, the SOS fund made a wonderful donation at my
vet's for the shelter.  I was speechless when I found out.  (That is
unusual for me, ask my kid).  And the timing couldn't be better with the
Michigan Lost Souls needing care, and I have a third adrenal surgery coming
up in two weeks.  Three in three months, and all are Marshall ferrets.
Well that is it, except for everyone please hug your fur angels, and don't
forget to hug your husbands, wives, significant others, kids and practice
random acts of kindness, not only to the fur angels, but to humans as well.
It makes the world a little better to live in, you get to feel good, and
on top of that, you get to blow a few peoples minds in the process.  (The
looks on peoples faces when you do something nice for no reason is
Ok, I am off my soap box, take care folks.  And Thanks for caring.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
PS  Check out this web site!
[Posted in FML issue 2551]