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Sat, 9 Jan 1999 09:01:16 -0500
Robynn McCarthy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
I agree with Jennifer 100%, what a great thing to post!
I too have a rescue baby that I adopted from our club's sponsered shelter.
A sweet little MF girl who was picked up at an SPCA not very long before
she came to me.  She had gotten lots of TLC at the shelter already, but was
still only about a pound and a half when she came home with me with bare
patches on her tail that was covered in black heads.  Her coat was coarse
and every time my first adopted little boy ferret approached her, she would
shriek and hiss like a banshee.
The screaming only lasted about a day luckily before they fell in love with
each other, but it took a few weeks for her to blossom.  Indeed my awkward
little duckling has turned into the most beautiful swan.  I'm very biased
of course, but I think she's the prettiest ferret I've ever seen.  She is
now tipping the scales at a kilogram, and her coat is oh so soft and silky
with the fattest, thickest and prettiest tail.  When she went through her
coat change this winter, she went from being a dark sable to being almost
siamese in colour.  One thing that hasn't changed is her temperment towards
us, having never even attempted to lay a tooth on us, even in play.  She is
active, bouncy and flirtatious and waits by the front door for my S.O.  to
come home every day.  She is definately daddy's little girl.
Ferrets have the greatest capacity to respond to love and care, and
constantly amaze us at how they can thrive, no matter what their life might
have been like before.  Don't let the word shelter scare you, many of us
have discovered that it's a code word for "way station for spoiled and
beautiful ferrets in waiting."
[Posted in FML issue 2551]