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Thu, 7 Jan 1999 22:25:48 EST
"Tikki Mite (Terry)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello all !!  I have been a subscriber to the FML for several years now and
have been a lurker for a very long time.  I have hated and enjoyed the list
and would never give up the contact it has brought me with other ferret
fanatics.  Time to get re-aquainted.
My name is Terry and I am presently owned by 17 of the frolicing fur faces.
I love each and every one of them and am constantly amazed by them.  My
kids names are Hot Shot, Tikki, Sam, Benjamin, Rowdy, Sassyfrass, Spryte,
Smudge, Max, CD, Slinky, Riley, Sable, Missy Little Foot, Romeo, Juliette
and Teddy Bear.  tle knows my Teddy as he was one of her rescues.
Hot Shot is my sock hoarder, Tikki the Grand Lady, Sam is my clown,
Benjamin is my lovey, Rowdy lives up to his name.  Sassyfrass is my
shoulder monkey, Spryte is a tiny little beauty, Smudge is my fat boy (4+
lbs) Max is Mama's boy and love to snuggle.  CD came to me naked (a story
to be told later), Slinky is my thinker, Riley is just learning how to be a
ferret, Sable is my kiss-up, Missy is the protector (against vacs), Romeo
is a playboy, Juliette is a super spaz and Teddy Bear loves his stuffed
toys.  That's my family today.
We had a rough year last year.  Three of my kids crossed the Rainbow
Bridge.  Simon, I lost to cancer (spinal).  Taz followed several months
later also to cancer of the liver, and my DJ had surgery and we lost her as
she couldn't shake the anisthetic.  I think she just wanted to be with her
Montana that had left almost 2 yrs ago.
They never fail to bring me joy no matter how down I get.  They are my kids
and I wouldn't give them up for all the stars in the sky.  Just gotta love
My goal for this year is to participate more with the FML and not just
lurk.  Next time I post it will be to share CD's adrenal adventure.
Love your fur children (or they will nip your toes)
Terry and the Silly 17
[Posted in FML issue 2549]