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Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:16:30 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello everyone,
I wish to send healing to all sick fuzzies, and to all who have had to
watch friends cross the bridge.
My question concerns flea preventing drops placed on the back of the neck.
I have 3 dogs and 1 cat who live both inside and outside.  I have had
terrific success using the drops on the back of the neck along with
spraying the yard.  Before the drops I was dipping the dogs and bombing
the house all the time.  It was a never ending battle to keep from being
overwhelmed.  The drops made all the difference, although I feel that
spraying the yard helped too.
When Mikey, my fuzzie lover, joined the family I naturally took him to the
vet, got all his shots, tests, and started him on heartworm prevention and
flea drops.  Mikey doesn't have fleas (that's good) our bedroom and
bathroom don't have fleas (that's good) but Mikey scratches his shoulders
and the back of his neck so much that he has raw places on his skin.  I've
been dabbing Neosporin on his sores and they heal in a few days but I think
I'll stop using the flea drops on him.  I wonder if anyone else has had
similar trouble.
[Posted in FML issue 2546]