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Mon, 4 Jan 1999 01:15:34 -0900
alia granda <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi all,
It's been awhile I know.  But I think I may have a serious problem on my
hands.  About three weeks ago, hubby and I got back from a week long
vacation.  All the ferts were in the trusted hands of an auntie and uncle,
and all was well when we returned.  Except for the fact that my big,
chocolate, Ponch, looked different.  He no longer looked like a chocolate,
now he just looked like a sable, almost identical to my Louie.
About the last week or so I noticed that he's lost a bit of weight.  At
first I just figured that the rest of the clan had chunked up so that he
only seemed smaller compared to the rest.  But no, he has lost weight.
He also seems to be losing hair at the base of his tail.
Today I noticed that he was walking kinda funny, like his back legs were
trying to keep in sync with the front two, but not doing a very good job.
Needless to say, I am very worried.  I read the FML FAQ and the adrenal
medical FAQ on ferretcentral and took note of the part that said often the
ferret doesn't feel sick at the hair loss phase.
Besides the symptoms I already mentioned, he's fine.  He's been dooking
and playing with everyone else, the only difference I've noticed is that he
doesn't give kisses like he used to.  I'm planning to take him to the vet
as soon as he gets back from vacation on Thur., but I'm going to have to
do a lot of the explaining.  This vet didn't even know there was a
"specialized" food for ferrets, and is still in the mind set that if you
vaccinate your ferrets you will give them the disease you're trying to
fight off.  In other words, he's a little behind the times as far as ferret
know how is concerned.
I need to know what to tell the vet to look for, why I think Ponch my be
sick, and any other important info.  Please help me to help my baby.
~Lia and the five wonder weasels
[Posted in FML issue 2546]