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Mon, 4 Jan 1999 21:29:29 -0600
text/plain (28 lines)
Ok, part of this might sound bad...but it just shows how smart ferts are
My Mr. Mitts aka Houdini accidently decided to swallow something he
shouldn't have.  It looks like it's ok, though...he coughed / hacked/ threw
it up and is his normal self.
The amazing part of it though is that he went to his litter box to cough
it up!  Now, at first, I thought this was just a fluke or coincidence of
sorts.  He went to lay down and just a few minutes later, he trekked down
to the next level, put his head in the litter box and threw up!  When he
was finished, he gave me the happiest look like "oh mommy, I feel sooo much
better!" then went right back upstairs to play :-)
I'm still watching him just in case, and have given him petramalt, but
having never taught him or any of my guys that the toilet is the place to
vomit, I must say I'm proud of him!
Am I weird to be proud of this???  Or could it be I've just cleaned up one
too many hairball presents from the resident felines??
Happy dooks to all!!!
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[Posted in FML issue 2546]