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Tue, 29 Dec 1998 09:52:03 -0500
"Ann D. Phillips" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi FMLers!
Th' lady who is our friend and makes sure we get almost everything we want,
sometimes leaves up here alone in her computer room.  We read the FML when
we can, and have never posted before, but figured this was a good topic to
post on.
See, none of us are MF ferrets.  Everyone of us except Sophie, came from
a small breeder.  Thats not to say that all of us were bought, some of us
were gifts and a couple of us really needed a new home, fancy origins or
not.  Sophie came to us not knowing anything about being a ferret and being
raised on a farm much worse then Marshall's.
We are speaking up in defense of our friends Elmer and Thelma.  Elmer and
Themla are MF ferrets and they come and stay with us a lot when their mom
travels and is really busy with school.  Elmer and Thelma are here enough
that they know where the litter boxes are, how to find the best hammock for
pile-sleeping and who likes to play in tubes.  Matter of fact, Elmer and
Thelma are pretty much Honorary Sunday Funnies Ferrets.
Elmer shows us lots of cool tricks that none of us ever thought of.  He can
levitate to the counter tops in the kitchen and make everything crash on
the floor!  Elmer knows how to appear in a silverware drawyer and how to
scratch SO LOUD at the door to our room, that someone comes to pay us
The only other ferret here that comes close to being as smart as Elmer is
So yeah, us Sunday Funnies Ferrets may be real cute and have lots of
ribbons on the wall, but those farm ferrets are SMART and charming too!
Eris, Massey, Sluggo, Little Iodine, Sophie, Helga, Nicky, Jammer,
Danger Mouse, Henry, Paco and RIP Aroha
[Posted in FML issue 2540]