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Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:09:23 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi, ebbybuddy!  It's me, Pixie!!!
Hi, Dodger!
Well, Pixie's earses isn't quite as cold no more.  Chitterbox is finly
startin ta lissen wen we kiks 'im outta da hammok.  Hims also startin' ta
lern da rite way ta ask us ta pway, an' to sweep durin' nappy-time.
I still don' gots my Slinky bak, an' gess what!  Now Chitterbox LOSTED my
Slinky!!!  Him sez him don' member where him hided it!!  But gess what!
'Venge is sweet!!  Mommy gotted a new rattle toy fer Coke (him chewded hims
old one ta def!), but Coke didn' wike it.  Him sed it don' rattle da same!
But Chitterbox *LUVS* it.  It makes him wardance so hard, him fergits where
da edge of da bed is, an' falls rite off.  But Mommy takeded da rattle toy
'way from him.  She sed him can't have it back till him settles down a
widdle bit, cuz it makes him too 'gressive!!!  (Him biteded Mommys hand an'
arm an' chin tryin' ta git it.) So him might have stoleded my Slinky, but
him doesn' git ta pway wif hims favert toy, eeder!!
Him also ony gits ta pway wif hims new squeeky ball wen Mommys watchin'
him, too, cuz Mommy finded out dat him chewded a hole in da old one!  Dat
reminds me!!  Hey, Tater an' Odie, didja ebber find out what happened ta
yer squeek toy?  Cuz if'n ya didn', Chitterbox sed him wants ta gib ya
*his* sqeek toy!  (He did, reely!!!)
Dooks ta all da sick fuzzies, an' ta da peepleses what helps em, an' also
ta da peepleses who's fuzzies is waitin' fur em at da bwidge!  An' speshul
dooks ta Dexter an' MoJo.  Me hopes dem's feelin' better!  (An' also ta
Lori Rice, cuz *her* Pixie went ta wait fer her at da bwidge!  I'm sher
she's waitin' dare till ya come ta see her so she can gib ya more Doodlebug
Ok, ok, an' also Cinnamon, an' Coke, an' Chitterbox (hey, Pixie, ware is
yoo goin' wif my sqeeky ball?!?!?!)
[Posted in FML issue 2533]