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Print Reply
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 19:25:25 EST
Paula Merritt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi fellow FML comrades!
I posted in November asking that anyone who had issues with Petco please
send their letters of concern in the month of November, as I also did.
Well, I not only got a response to my letter but also received a personal
telephone call from a regional manager.
I had concerns with the things I had seen in my store here in Salem,
Oregon, with the care, food, cleanliness, etc of the baby ferrets.
The letter I was received seemed very sincere about correcting this
problem and thanked me for informing them.  The phone call was even more
encouraging and I was told that the new manager in the store had been sent
the letter and was looking forward to me coming in and meeting with her.
This regional manager is also very concerned with the possibility of the
sale of Petco's ferrets ending up in "shelters" at a later date and wants
as much information as I can get on how much this occurs and he wants to
take this information to the Corporate meeting that they are going to have
in February of 1999.  He said there has been some discussion of this and
concern and they don't want to contribute to the "throw away" pet problem.
This is where I need your help!!
This all sounds great, but I wonder how much of this could be true concern.
I wonder if they would actually consider stopping the sale of these
animals, knowing they would lose the "profit"?
I can only go into this with a "positive" attitude and try to do what I
can.  I have met with the manager and she wants me to attend the first
staff meeting at the store, after the holidays.  She wants me to help
"inform" the staff to the proper care, and treatment of ferrets and also
how to inform potential customers of the pro's and con's of ferret
Any suggestions, information, etc you all out there can give to me, would
be appreciated.  Also, if anyone can send me information or statistics that
you may have on Petco ferrets who end up at shelters, that would be great
to.  Anything we can supply for this future corporate meeting, would be a
plus, don't you think?
Bob Church (help your "mash potato partner" here) you always have ideas!
Thanks for your help and suggestions!
Your friend in Oregon
Paula Merritt (and her "2" woozles)
Newton & Suzie
[Posted in FML issue 2531]