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Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:08:12 +0000
Elizabeth Cantu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
I just adopted a beautiful 3 year old.  I had decided no more ferrets
because I have lost so many to cancer, but I now know my calling is
adopting rescued ferrets.
I was at the ferret shelter yesterday picking up Abner, the cutest ferret!
I was appalled at all the ferrets at this shelter.  I just cannot imaging
giving up an animal.  The only way I could ever see doing that is if I was
homeless, no longer able to give my pet proper care.  I was reading in the
last mailing and there it was, another person trying to get rid of a
ferret.  I think the excuse was their ferret died and they do not want to
get another one because they just had a baby.  Well, that sucks!  When does
your commitment end to animals????When you have a baby?  When you move?
What the hell is wrong with these people?  Is this endimic of a throw away
society?  I am sick by it.  I cannot tell you how many people I have met
who have given their animals away because they have a baby or they move.  I
say, that is so totally irresponsible!  You should have thought of that
when you bought the pet.  Thank about your responsibilities to all life!
Rethink your responsibility to your pet, do not lessen it because you think
you have other more important responsibilities.  You made a commitment,
keep it!
[Posted in FML issue 2529]