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Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:11:59 EST
Linda Pendleton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
This is my first time posting on the list after lurking for a few weeks,I
find the posts to be heartwarming and infromitive.  I am currently owned by
seven fuzzbutts and a Great Dane puppy who sometimes thinks he's a ferret,
(Quite a feat being a 70 lb ferret)  Anyway, in regards to travelling with
ferrets, it has been my experience with my fuzzies that they are great
travellers.  My husband and I are long-haul truckdrivers and up until March
of this year our fuzzies travelled all over the United States, at the time
we had five carpet sharks and they had a big cage built in to our sleeper
and most of the time they snoozed blisstfully unaware through different
timezones, they are all leash trained and loved to explore different
places, I think they have played in every rest area between Florida (where
we live) and Seattle.  They have played in the snow in the Rockies and the
sands of Key West.  My husband and I are owner-operators for a major moving
company so the fuzzies have met and educated many of our shippers and
calmed the anxieties of children moving away from the only home they have
ever known.  Since I was injured in March the fuzzies and I are now
homebodies and we have adopted 2 more fuzzbutts into the gang bringing our
total to seven.  Merlin my Fawn Great Dane joined the gang 2 and a half
months ago, when the fuzzies met him they were'nt quite sure what to think,
they just knew he was to big to drag accross the carpet by the scruff, they
are fascinated by the size of his feet which are quite large and Buster my
sable baby has recruited Merlin to be his bodyguard.  When the other guys
pick on him he runs to Merlin and sits between those huge paws and dares
the other guys to come and get him, Quite a sight, the fuzzies have
adjusted well to being off the road but at times I think they miss it, they
do love to ride in the car though, though they do miss playing in the snow
(we don't get any here in Florida, go figure)  Well that's all for now, but
to the girl who asked about travelling, you'll both be happier if you take
your fuzzie with you.
Sneaks  (Is it time for my snack)
Bandit  (Where's my ferretone Mom)
Diggy   (Can I ride on your shoulder Mom)
Patch   (Can I go for a swim in the pool Mom)
Misty   (All these boys are such a pain Mom, can we trade one in for a
Scooter (Last one into the dirt box is it)
Buster  (Where's my bodyguard Mom?)
Merlin  (Can I be a carpet shark too Mom?)
[Posted in FML issue 2529]