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Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:36:17 -0600
"MACAULAY, Stella" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
The most weird thing has happen!  I called a friend of mine last night on a
whim (I haven't talked to her for a while), and told her I had gotten some
additional ferrets.  She said "OH By the way, speaking of ferrets, my friend
let two ferrets go in a park last Saturday." I, of course, asked where this
park is and told her that these ferrets would probably die because they are
so domesticated that they need humans to take care of them.
Anyway, I found the park and it did not have many trees and was next to a
very busy street.  I knew for sure that there was no way that a ferret was
out there.  I thought that either two things had happened:  1.  omeone
picked them up or  2. they had died.  So I decided to go home.
I got to work this morning and I had an e-mail from my friend.  Apparently
one of the ferrets crossed a very busy street walked about 200 ft. and
somehow found his old home.  (The ferret belonged to a college student who
had moved away from home, the ferret walked to this guy's parents house!)
Oh my God, what are the odds that a ferret would survive a couple of days
without food and cross a busy street and find its way home.  Anyway, I told
my friend not to let this guy let this ferret go again, but to give it to
me.  So, I am waiting for this person to call me.  I am also going to go
back to that park and put some fliers up about the other ferret.
In my humble opinion, this is just a MIRACLE!  The other thing that I am
going to do is find out if that guy watched Party of Five and decided that
this would be a good idea.  I will keep you guys posted.
Dharma, Bandit, Teddy Bear, Goliath, and Wendy+1 ferret named Beavis
(hopefully very soon)
[Posted in FML issue 2529]