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Lawrence Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:59:09 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
As we say down here in the south, Hey ya'll!
I want to give my heartfelt condolences to those of you grieving.  I read
about Princess Tiger Lily and cried with Meg, as I've cried with others.
I've "been there, done that", too.  It NEVER gets easier to hold our
precious ones and say good-bye.  Also, I'm praying for all the sick and
lost ferrets.  Hugs to all.
Ok, It really is interesting to read everyone's opinions about various
subjects.  I too have strong opinions and agree with much that I read here.
The thing that interests me is that people take general comments to heart.
There is no way to grasp the full meaning from an electronic post.  Much
is lost in not being able to make eye contact, hear the variances in voice
inflections and other body languages.  I really believe that we should just
read these posts at face value and not make "between-the-line-" judgments.
Come on ferret lovers, UNITE!  We each love our fuzzies so lets each do our
part in our corner.  We can't save the world but we CAN make a difference
right where we are. :0)
Thanks again for all the help for Freddie.  Other than having thin hair and
much less body fat and sleeping more, he seems to be back to himself.
Don't forget about our newly formed club- The Piedmont Ferret Association.
Anyone interested, please contact me.
Tequita-chief pooper-scooper
Freddie-goodness, it's good to be back
Andy-someone hold me in a warm lap and be still
Peewee-HEY! I said play with me
Cindy-Ok you stupid cat, DON'T move!
[Posted in FML issue 2527]