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Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:55:40 +1300
text/plain (26 lines)
Two three year old ferrets, male sable blaze, female light silver (DEW in
winter) looking for new homes.  These are retired breeders and still need
to be neutered.  For any interested, the owner is charging $200 US (or
approx $280 CAD for Canadians) for the pair, which will cover the cost
updating their shots, and shipping to anywhere in the United States or
Canada (except California).  A contract will accompany the pair stating
that you MUST get the neutering done shortly after receiving the pair.
This particularly for the jill who is in danger of aplastic aneamia if the
new owner waits too long to get the operation done.  If you are interested
in getting the pair already neutered, they can have it done with their vet.
However they have stated that their vet charges a price far above the
average, which is the *only* reason they are being allowed out unneutered.
They're looking for serious enquiries only.  Those interested please
respond directly to me at [log in to unmask] and I will be able to send you
more information or pass your details on to the owner.
Hopefully we'll find these two a good loving home shortly :o)
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Posted in FML issue 2527]