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Tue, 15 Dec 1998 05:37:47 EST
Kevin Bonner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Cute little story for ya' - now, working 2 jobs and having 7 (one recently
acquired) fuzzies, you would think life is complicated enough for me.  Add
the fact that I am "pet sitting" another fuzzie and a VERY LARGE cat named
KIMO (nicknamed Sumo Cat because of his size).  Kimo is very lovable and
gentle, yet due to his size and weight I am concerned about letting him
play with the fuzzies.
Got home the other night and got ready to let the "flurry" (yeah, MY word
again.  Sorry "Business" doesn't do it for me) out.  Kimo was laying on my
bed.  He refused to budge and even hissed at me when I tried to grab him
and put him into a carrier while the kids played.
I looked at the cat and said "Kimo - let's be reasonable.  You know that
FURRICE chases you around.  You know that CUDDLES chases you around".  Kimo
looked at me as if saying, "Yeah, and ??????".  "Now Kimo", I said, "What
is it going to be like when I let them ALL out together?" I pointed to the
cage and called each fuzzy by name.  One at a time they came to the side of
the cage Kimo was sitting nearest.  Each seemed to be looking at him.
Kimo slowly looked toward the cage.  His eyes gazed upon the little
fuzzbutts sitting there, waiting to get out.  I swear he locked eyes with
each and every one.  Kimo slowly turned his head towards me.  The look in
his eyes appeared to say "You wouldn't.  Would you???".
I laughed as I said "Okay Kimo, I warned you".  As I reached toward the
cage door, Kimo meowed, jumped from the bed, and promptly went into his
Yep, tells me that cats can be VERY intelligent !!!!
Kevin B and the ~~Silly~Slinky~Seven~~~
~Fur-Angel Lady~     ~Petey (just dookin' through)~    and Kimo the Sumo Cat
[Posted in FML issue 2526]