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Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:52:09 +0500
Lori Rice <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi, I usually only lurk.  Normally all my babys are healthy and alls right
with our world.  Pixie (our tiny little one) crossed over the bridge on
She had gotton a cold from me.  We got her and her brother Sebastian on
tetracyclin after a couple days with no improvment.  They did a full wk.
on that and were switched to a sulfa drug.  Pixie didn't like the sulfa no
matter what I mixed it with.  Didn't get much down her for day's.  She
wasn't getting much food or water down her either.  Ended up force feeding
her.  She was scheduled to go in for adrenal surgery on 11/16, we postponed
until 11/30.
I thought that we had caught the adrenal early as she hadn't lost that much
hair.  Only on her tummy.  Not a normal shedding pattern for her.  the vet
thought that between her size(1# 4oz at her heaviest) and the adrenal, that
the lung problems from the cold was to much for her.  I miss her so much!
I keep looking at my foot, waiting for her to be standing on it, waiting
for kisses.  She used to chase us, so we'd pick her up for kisses.  Our
other 3 give kisses, but Pixie lived for them!  She was 5 1/2 not MF.  I'd
only seen a couple other ones as small as her.
Sebastian recovered from his cold, but was still acting funky, so off to
the vet again.  Did a CBC on him.  Everything was normal, exept that his
bone marrow is not producing white or red blood cells.  He stopped using
the litterbox about 6 or 7 wks.  ago, he will go on paper, but not in the
box.  He used to be pretty good at the box.  Kidneys checked out fine.  He
did have impacted anal glads a few months ago.  Had them expressed and he
seemed fine after.  Thought the problem with the litterbox might be related
to his anal glads.  He is playing, eating and drinking on his on.  Has
never been a real active guy and that hasn't changed.  I know he misses
Pixie, they had been together for about 4 years.  He is 4 1/2 yrs.  Not MF.
We are taking extra time for cuddles and holding every day.  Oh, I keep
checking his anal glands and they don't seem to be swollen.
Anybody have any ideas on the weird CBC ?  I'm going to get him started on
some vitamins tommorrow.  Will also try liver, but don't hold out much hope
for that.  None of our ferrets have ever eaten any kind of meat we've given
The other 2, Mojo 17 mos and Ralphie 12 mos are fine.  They are more then
fine.  Mojo can run me ragged.  Ralphie has been with us for 3 mos.  He is
learning what is like to be a ferret.  Didn't know how to even play when we
got him.  Between probably doubling his weight after we got him and always
being caged in his former life, he's coming along good.  Ralphie will learn.
Sorry this is so long, so much seems to be going on at once.
Lori " I miss my doodlebug kisses so much"
Sebastian "Mommy I don't feel so good and where is Pixie?"
Mojo  "Wheres Pixie? I want to drag her across the room and make her scream"
Ralphie "She liked me before anyone else did" I miss her!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2525]