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Fri, 11 Dec 1998 18:19:58 -0500
Lawrence Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Greetings all!  I'm new to the list-about a week now.  Lets see, if I
have the terminology correct, I've been "lurking".  It really is great
to see how MOST of the ferret community pulls together.
OK, One of my four had adrenal surgery last Friday.  The gland was
completely enlarged and tumerous-no money for lab :(  Anyway, Freddie is
not doing well.  He won't eat or drink.  He has a slight temp. and is on
Amoxi. drops, .3cc's 2x/day, Pepto/H20 3cc's several x/day and all the
Nutrical that I can force.  I'm also giving him water in a dropper
multiple X/day.  He does have a mouth ulcer and gnashes his teeth. His
flanks are sunken in on both sides.  His weight was still 3lbs 3 days
after the surgery.  I'm taking him in today for another weight check.
Any suggestions?  Different Duck soup recipes would be good.  I'll try
anything!  My soup recipe is:  Pulverized kibble mixed with water and
Beef and chicken liver canned food.  I also add Nutrical and/or a bit of
oil. I've also tried Ferrettone.  HELP!!!  Shari said mouth ulcers can
lead to renal failure!!  He did show intense interest in 7-up.  I let
him have some and he drank it with a passion.  I may make it available
free choice.  He didn't like it mixed with water.  He also didn't like
the pediatric electrolyte, grape flavored replacer.
Prayers and any help would be great.  Unfortunately, economics does have
to play a roll. :(
Tequita-the human
Peewee-the kisser
Andy-the old man
Freddie-the sick baby-sitter
[Posted in FML issue 2521]