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Thu, 10 Dec 1998 08:25:32 PST
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HI! To all ya'll owned by ferrets.  I am owned by four of em myself.
While doing the vet thingy (which they ALL hate with a passion) I happened
to stop by after wards to see their male pet (my husband) at his work and
upon sight of em everybody and anybody wanted one and had to touch em just
to see if they were real (btw, I only had two of em with me, Thank God!)
Now, upon visiting again one of his co-workers remembered our owners and
is now asking on a regular basis every time I come in if he could get one.
I of course being a proud pet say "of course" and begin to give him some
insight into being owned by one of em and what it entails and he still
seems eager and wants to get a ferret.
He (the last time I saw him) indicated that he wanted a kit to raise and
that he had cat(s) and wanted to know how they get along.  We being their
only pet and only speak from what we have seen of others owned by these
loving creatures and they seem to get along as I explained to him but again
it's like with any other animal it must be supervised and you don't really
know until you but them together to see it they are compatible.
So, here it comes, is their anyone in the Dallas area that has kits for
sale or adoption (that might even know more about cats and ferrets) could
you please contact me at [log in to unmask] so that I can possibly
arrange a meeting between you and this gentleman to view your ferrets and
gain more knowledge to see if this is really what he wants to get into
(shall I say).
Thanks for all your help and knowledge.
Joy Jarrett (Pet)
Sandy, Scooter, Cleo, Ceaser (Owners)
[Posted in FML issue 2520]