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Tue, 8 Dec 1998 12:14:47 -0500
"Hudson, Jennifer" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
I have been a ferret fiend only since January.  Yes, my first fuzzy,
Peanut, came home from a pet shop.  The other 5 came from rescues/shelters.
Prior to Peanut's arrival, I took a few weeks to educate myself via
internet, magazines, books, etc.  I wanted to know what was required and
what to expect tomorrow, a month, a year and 5 years from now.  When we
decided to expand our family over the summer, I wanted to provide a home to
a ferret in need.  I do work at a cat rescue, so it was only natural for me
to seek out a shelter.  I was amazed at the number of shelters in my area
(Southeastern PA).  I have spoken to more than half a dozen personally and
I have not come across ONE single shelter or representative from any group
that was anything less than helpful.  In fact, while everyone was impressed
that I took the time to educate myself, everyone offered a wealth of
resources and information, asking NOTHING in return.  These people are
truly angels to an animal that suffers from misconceptions and myths, they
open their heart, home and wallet to take in what society has grown bored
with.  Mr. Church, what more can you ask from a person?
Is every ferret in every ferret shelter, adoptable, no.  But is every human
the best loving, caring, understanding person they can be, obviously not.
Is every ferret shelter volunteer or director doing the best they can to
make life better for every fuzzy that is unloved, abused, abandoned or
unwanted.  Yes, I believe they are and I have five wonderful, lovable,
affectionate 'unadoptable' fuzzies to prove it.
Jennifer and my babies - Peanut, Jack,  Rose, Sweetie, Sid and Brandy
[Posted in FML issue 2518]