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Mon, 7 Dec 1998 22:04:22 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi all,
I'm new to this list although my friend Kate has raved about it for awhile
now.  Up until 3 weeks ago I had 2 little girls.  Fidgit is a 3 year old
bald sable.  Don't worry about the baldness.  She had adrenal gland cancer
19 months ago and survuved.  Her fur just never grew back.  Pippin was only
3 months younger with beautiful butterscotch coat.
I just recently lost my little Pippin to lymphosarcoma (sp?).  I'm a little
worried about Fidgit.  Fidgit and Pippin were purchased within 3 months of
each other and spent the last 3 years inseparable.  Since we lost her,
Fidgit's eating has declined, has had several green colored stools and she
has no desire to play at all.  I've tried toys and her favorite games.  I
even got another ferret, a 6 month old, female albino/butterscotch cross
named Oska.  Nothing seems to interest her.  Fidgit wants *nothing* to do
with the new ferret.
We've gone to the vet and had a series of bloodwork done and a
urinanalysis.  All showed up negative.  We also had a series of X Rays
done because pieces were missing off her favorite toy.  Nothing showed up.
While all that is good news, I'm still concerned.  My vet is wonderful but
has never been able to come up with an explanation for the green poop.
Pippin had that as well before she died.
My question is: do you think Fidgit may be fighting depression/grief and
if so, how can I combat this?  Its not like I can give her antibiotics or
anything.  I need to get her eating on a regular basis again.
Any suggestions?
[Posted in FML issue 2517]