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Mon, 7 Dec 1998 14:47:31 -0600
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
For the 3 1/2 yrs I've owned our home (well co-owner with the bank of
course) something has bothered me.  I have a partially finished basement
where one side is dirt (furnace area) and the other has the
washer/dryer/water heater and an open area.  This was the one area the
ferrets weren't allowed (notice the word WAS).  For those of you that don't
know me or haven't visited us, the ferrets have the entire house.  Our
small 2 bedroom home essentially belongs to them.  I just do the cooking,
cleaning, loving, nursing, and on occassion disciplining.  Oh and pay the
bills too. :-0
Anyway, on with the story - This weekend friends came to help and with
input from all and the labors of Donn with help on Sunday from Don, the
ferrets received an early christmas present - a 5ft x 8ft section of the
basement.  We used plyboard, 1x4's and 1x1's to build the 3 sided enclosure
(the 4th side is where the door leading to the basement is).  It looks like
a miniature stable with the 4ft high plyboard and 1x4's as supports.
Lynda brought some of the ferrets to the landing on the steps and they
looked down at what was normally a closed door only to see an open door.
Their eyes got wide and the expressions on their furry little faces was
pure astonishment.  Slowly they walked down the steps.  When they reached
the door area they stopped and looked up then cautiously walked in.  (These
are ferrets that previously tried so very hard to sneak in when I was going
in and out).  Once inside they looked up and all around then inspected
every inch of the construction.  Quite happily they rolled, stretched and
curled on the warm fluffy quilt we'd put down as their bedding.
Scratch, scratch, scratch all evening in an effort to find that one spot
that would not be secure.
This morning at breakfast only 3 ferrets were in the kitchen.  I tiptoed
down the stairs and to my surprise (NOT!) found a sea of ferret tails and
heads and bodies all cuddled together - fast asleep.  They woke quickly
and looked quite surprised.  As I poured recipe into their platter they
stretched and ambled over to the plate.  Three plates later they were
ready to start their day.  :-)
Very appreciative thanks go to Janice, Don, Lynda and Donn for their help
and hard labor on this project.  It's a dream come true!
(now if I win the lottery....)
Hugs and happy holidays to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 2516]