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Sat, 5 Dec 1998 20:07:24 -0500
Melissa Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Hey, Ebbreybody!  Is da Dodge!!!
Hi, Pixie!!  Do ya gots hair back on yer ears yets??  Didja eber getted yer
slinky back?  Gotsta show da new baby hoo is da BOSS, Pixie! ;->  heehee
Well, me gotsta 'gree wif Pixie on dis one, kidz.  Babies can be A Pain.
An da Dodge is sad, too, so ebbreybody gets weddy cuz da Dodge is gunna
frow a pity party:
'Member how I tolded you all dat momma keepted da new baby 'way from us
for a couple a weeks?  Well, momma tolded us dat it was cuz if'n da baby
was sick, she didn' want me n da girls ta get whatebber da baby haded.
Well, wen momma was satisfied dat the baby was healfy (she was lookin at
his poops n stuff - ain't dat WEERD??), momma putted da baby in wif us &
~ 'member? ~ we was SO HAPPEE sweepin wif da baby... uh, RockStar...
ANYWAYS... 'bouts a week affer momma putted da baby in wif us, Dexie
stopted eatin' & started poopin funny.  She was doin' her Calista
Flockhart 'pression (d'oh!) & her head wuz a-lookin' too big fer her body
n her boneses was stickin out.  Well, momma takeded Dexie to da vet n when
momma comed home wif Dexie she said Sure 'Nuf, Dexie haded da ECE.  0_0
Momma said dat da baby brotted us da ECE eben doe he ain't gots it n' I
ain't gots it n' Co ain't gots it.  Me was kinda MAD at the new baby but
momma said dat hims diddn no dat hims gots it or dat hims could gibs it
to us.
So momma moveded Dexie to a cage by herself so's she could watch how much
Dexie eated & poopeded.  She also c'mensed ta MAKIN Dexie eat & Dexie
wasn't wikin it AT ALL.  DEN momma said dat da Mo got da same fing & she
takeded MoMo out, too!!!  Me & Cocoa & RockStar was wookin at each udder,
wonderin hoo wuz next!
Okay... da's de end o' da pity party!
Deese days Dexie is eatin & her purty red eyes got a wittle bit o' dat
sparkle back in 'em.  Da Dodge still kinda takes it easy on ol' Dex, doe,
'cuz me knows dat she don't feels gweat yet.  MoMo is eatin' a wittle bit,
but still not enuffs.  Mo is purty skinny, too.  Me was worried 'bout da Mo
for a while... finkin' dat maybe she was gonna go to da Bridge.  But momma
& da hooman kid & da girls gibbeded Mo lotsa lovies... me was just A Man
'bout da hole fing & letted da womenfolk do whatever it was dey finkted was
best.  RockStar, him diddn' really know dat nuffin strange wuz goin' on.
Him's jus a baby.
So, Pixie... da Dodge guesses dat if Chatterbox takes away yer toyses,
jus' go in dair & get 'em back or wet him pways wif 'em... n' be gwad
dat hims diddn' bring you nuffin from da pet store....
Lovies & Dooks & Good Fuzzie Vibeses to alla da Fuzzies & Hoomans...  da
Dodge & da girls & da hoomans is prayin for ebbreybody what gots a fuzzy
dat gonned to da Bridge... we still sendin' fuzzy telepathy 'cross da
lands & da waters way over to Podo so's she will get back home to her
daddy, Mr. Sam.  'Specially now dat Mr. Sam done losted anudder fuzzy,
only dis one went to da Bridge to wait fer him.  Mr. Sam is habbin a
ruff time.... WE LUBS YOU, MR. SAM!!!   :->
        also, Dexter, Cocoa, MoJo & Rockstar  >^v^<-,-------,''''''
[Posted in FML issue 2514]