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Tue, 24 Nov 1998 23:02:44 EST
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi Folks!
It's them there snoweasels, Tater and Odie.
This here will be a quick one on account of because we is just plain
We be done called the Old Fert and axed for his advice, but he was too busy
writin' his new Christmas story to be of any help.  Heck, if'n he'd just
ask us how the first Christmas happened, we'd be glad to tell him.  We
knows some ferts that was there.
Oh, well.  You all knows how human folks can be sometimes.  They just don't
listen to what us critter-type folks is sayin'.
OUR SQUEAK TOY HAS DISAPPEARED!  This am the serimous problem that we is
writin' this here letter about.
We had it parked right smack-dab in the middle of our dryer hose.  Well, it
kinda got stuck in there.
It weren't no big problem at first 'cause we fingered that, if'n we'd both
run into opposite ends of the hose, and pushed just as hard as we could,
that sucker would just pop out the other end.
Well, tonight we tried it for the eleventieth time and we bumped haids
together in the middle of that there hose.  Our squeak toy weren't there
more!  We checked around our Country Cabin and it wasn't no place to be
found.  Mighty strange!
Has anybody else had a simular problem with toys and stuff just
disappearing without no reason?  Has there been any UFO sightings in
Wisconsin?  Is it possible that another fert has moved in on us and we
don't know it yet?  Is Lyra just messin' with us?  Please help!
We needs our squeak toy back!
Tater and Odie
P.S.: Check out our Web Ring: http://members.aol.com/emssandy/ring.htm
[Posted in FML issue 2503]