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Fri, 20 Nov 1998 21:11:01 -0500
text/plain (30 lines)
Dear FML Users,
Codey is doing awesome.  He is a good little buddy.  Today I went out and
got him some toys.  I got him a hammock which he already loves.  I got him
some treats and I also got him "Ferret Vita-Sol" which he loves the taste
of.  Also I got him a Water Bottle for the side of his cage so that he can
keep his food dry and also keep his cage a little cleaner.  I tried putting
carpet in his cage for bedding, but that didn't work out everything fell
onto my floor and it soaked up urine.  Plus I couldn't get his litter pan
to fit in the cage and clip to the side.  So I decided to go with towels
for my bedding I put them under the cage just like you would Pine Chips I
put a hammock in for sleep.  This seems like the best set up so far.  I
like it.  My question basically is what are some other bedding types that
people have found to work for them?  Also As far as the fleas went he
doesn't have fleas.  The bumps on my arm and tummy were exyma.  I have had
it on my upper arms, but I went to my tummy.  It's completely safe just
itches alot similar to sariasis and it can be controlled with cream.  I
love my fuzzy.  Also more good news.  I found out, when I got my health
certificate from the pet store that Codey is a Marshall Farmer. :)  I'm so
happy.  That let's me know that he is very healthy and he had his Distemper
shots.  Also Marshall Farmers come with Health Garuntees I didn't know
that.  Well just wanted to let everyone know how everything was going.
PS When I put that Vita-Sol into Codeys water. it turned yellow. The
vitamin is yellow. Is this normal. I used the recommended dosage. 1tsp
to every 4oz. Does this sound normal?
[Posted in FML issue 2499]