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Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:07:08 -0500
dfrazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
Hi Everyone...
I know many of us have wondered how our 'borrow artists' are going to do at
the Bridge..  after all thievery is frowned on I think in the afterlife..
and I thought I would share my view on how this little problem is handled
at the orientation area at the Rainbow Bridge..  enjoy..
                  """Rainbow Bridge Story"""
"How could you?' "And the Elders best collar too!' "Well this is the last
straw...that's all there is to it!'  said the Cat firmly.
"I didn't mean it M'am...Honest!' "It'll never happen again...Promise!'
"Don't send me away...Please!' came the squeaky reply. "I didn't mean no
harm.' the sweetly smiling little ferret pleaded.
"You never do...and you've promised before...and it always happens again.'
"I'm sorry, youngster...but there is no choice...off you go...and no
arguments!' said the cat while shaking one paw furiously under the nose of
the quaking now thoroughly alarmed fuzzy.
The huge blue and gold macaw arrived at this point and took in the
situation at a glance.
"Another one, huh Pokey?' squawked the imposing parrot while keeping a firm
grip on his tendency to laugh at moments like this one.
"Getting younger every year seems like.'
"Yes, it certainly does....and just last week it was that cute little
hamster, Jonathan...and a month before that it was that silly crow,
Blacky...and before that we had a pot bellied pig named Miss Piggy... and
I have my suspicions about that wacky squirrel, Long John...Where will it
ever end?. sighed the flustered Kidden.
"You let me go.' wailed the ferret. " "You can't just toss me out...I gotta
wait for my human to come get me...it ain't fair. it ain't...I'm just a
little weasel... I didn't mean to break no rules...and I said I wuz sorry
...and' sniffled the frightened little fur person. "Please let me stay...I'
ll do better... I won't swipe nothin' ever again...Honest...  just please
give me another chance, please Mister Parrot...Please?  ...don't make me
leave.' cried the small fuzzy while frantically trying to escape the tight
hug of the stern parrot looming over him.
"Stop that wiggling..you'll break a feather or something! exclaimed the
startled avian.  "No one said you have to leave... no one is going to throw
you out of anywhere... of course you must wait for your human...stop that
jerking around I say! ordered the bird.
"Here here, what's all this ruckus about?...your upsetting the new arrivals
in the Shelter Haven.' shushed Auntie Claire.  "Here now, let him go, you
big bully, he's just a little mite.' said the big motherly Jill as she
gently pulled the shaking little one into the warm shelter of her abundant
soft fur.
"There now little one...you just tell Auntie Claire all about it.'
With the Huge Macaw and the stern Cat looking on the fur kid tearfully
related how he had just happened to find the missing collar and was just
returning it when he was cornered by the big mean Cat Person who sent for
the bigger meaner Bird Person and they were going to send him away to this
terrible awful place where he would be locked up with other mean and nasty
persons like themselves and he was just a little fellow and he hadn't done
anything wrong and... At this point Auntie Claire stopped the little one to
glare at the two creatures who were laughing so hard they were nearly
falling down and only remained upright by holding on to each other, and
with her sternest disapproving voice she said, "What on earth is the matter
with you two?..Have you taken leave of your senses?..  Get a grip on
yourselves this minute!'  Now, little fellow, you run on to the play field
and I'll settle with these two!  ...'Imagine, bullying that sweet little
fur child...How could you?' she demanded.
"Uh, Auntie Claire, don't you usually have a neck pouch full of treats for
the new arrivals...Hmmm?' asked the Cat sweetly.  "Oh, and where's that
collar badge the Elder gave you last gathering day?' enquired the Macaw
with a grin.
"Why, of course I have a treat bag.' muttered Auntie Claire as she reached
a paw toward her throat.  "And my lovely badge is right here...where I
always wear it.' she said as her paw frantically searched for the new
absent badge.
"Oh Dear!' she exclaimed when she touched the empty spot where the much
loved and shined badge should have been..'I've dropped it someplace!' she
cried tearfully.  "And it was my favorite thing, given by the Elder
specially to me...and the pouch is gone too...How could I have lost it,
the new little ones will be so disappointed!' she sighed with the tears
brimming over and running down her furry cheeks.
As the Macaw took wing and arrowed after the now distant pup Pokey put a
paw over Auntie Claires plump shoulders and told her... "It's OK Claire,
dearest Love, all will be fine in a few minutes...You didn't lose or drop
anything...You just got a dose of Light Fingered Lunacy... Relax... Your
things will be returned in a few moments...now dry your tears, Dear One.'
Just then the Moko the Macaw deposited the same ferret Auntie Claire had so
recently sent off to play back into the custody of the Cat who was trying
to comfort the sobbing Caregiver everyone so dearly loved.
With a casual swipe of a paw the Cat called Pokey removed the purloined
pouch with treats and badge inside and ceremoniously returned to the
incredulous elder lady ferret.
"But how?...When?...Where?' sputtered Auntie Claire.
"I found them...I was just bringing them to you when...' the little
inoocent faced fuzzy began.
"The kid is fibbing again Auntie C.'  "That's why we were taking him with
us before.'  He's got a little problem, ya see.' began the Parrot.
"Little problem!' exclaimed Auntie Claire.  "Little, indeed.' "Why, He is a
th...' she all but hollered.
"Now, now, it's not all that bad... He can be helped... We have all got
colored pasts where were going... and we all get over it... it just takes
time and counseling and guidance.' explained the Cat.  "Why, We got a
Yorkie that was a real sweater swipe-artist that handles the "Thou Shalt
Not Steal' committee that has a story that would, you'll pardon the
expression, curl your hair.' "You ought to drop by for a visit, it's real
As the two odd partners turned to leave with a wave and a smile, Auntie
Claire called after them... "Where is this place your taking him...How long
must he stay?'
"Oh, about a month should do it...He's young.' replied the Cat named Pokey.
The Macaw turned his head and with a chuckle he called the reply.... Glad
to have you any time Auntie Claire...Just ask at the gate for Moko...I'll
be happy to show you around!'
"But, Wait, What's it called, this special place?' she called starting
after them.
Speaking together as one they answered her question.  "It's KLEPTO
KORNERS of course!'  After that only laughter was to be heard.
dayna frazier
copyrrighted  1990
happy ferreting
dayna and the woozles
October 30, 1998  The Day The Music Died.  I love you Allegro... and will
miss you all of my days.
[Posted in FML issue 2497]