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Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:46:55 EST
Kim VanderLaan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I live in Michigan and will be traveling to Florida for the month of
February.  I will be staying with my parents.  I am having a terrible time
deciding whether to drive or to fly.
If I drive, I can bring my fuzzies.  I will have my car for the month (and
not have to rely on my parents).  I will be able to come and go as I
please.  We can go to Florida when we want and we can go home when we want
(not on the airline's schedule).  I will have lots of room for souvenirs
from the Orlando ferret show, and HSUS Animal Care Expo.  These are all
REALLY, REALLY good reasons to drive.
Now the bad reasons: I will be bringing my 4-year-old daughter and a drive
will take 3 days each way.  I would be bringing my smaller ferret cage (30
X 24 X 30 with 2 full levels for 3 or 4 adult ferrets).  I might encounter
particularly bad weather (Michigan to Florida leaving in the last week of
January and returning the last week of February or the first week of
If I fly, I get there faster and possibly safer.  But, I can't bring my
fuzzies, won't have as much souvenir space, can't scope out real estate
like I want to, will be at the mercy of my parents for travel to/from
anywhere, and I'd have to go to Florida and home according to the airline's
I would very much appreciate it if the people living in states between
Michigan and Florida could eMail me privately and tell me what the roads
are usually like at the end of January and at the end of February (is there
a lot of rain, snow, ice, etc.)
Also, if I do drive, is there anyone in Florida near Ft. Pierce that might
have a larger cage I could borrow for the month of February?
Thank you all very much!!
Kim and The Terrific Trio
[Posted in FML issue 2495]