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Fri, 13 Nov 1998 19:53:05 EST
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I too first thought of tv shows about ferret trials and tribulations when I
heard of the ferret soaps.You know,All My Kits,One Life to Dook,General Vet
Hospital,The Young and the Dookless,The Dooks of Our Lives,and the shelter
favorite Another Ferret.Put me down for a couple.
You definitely won't have to worry about a Himalayan kitty bothering your
ferrets.That's why there is the word lay in their name,like most persians
they're pretty laid back.The ferrets now are another matter.As long as
kitty can jump,he's pretty safe.Of course,he needs to be able to figure out
he should do this when hasseled.You may have to teach him this.I have a
kitty that thinks running after the ferrets is great fun,but if they stop,
she goes the other way or keeps on truckin'.She only made the mistake of
stopping right over them once.It gave them a perfect shot at the tummy hair.
I certainly was sorry to hear about anon's losses.It's tough enough to lose
a parent,but to lose your support system too.Our hearts go out to you,mine
and the fuzzies.I hope you can add a new little joy to your life,the four
legged kind.
Sandy(Jasmine,where did you put your coat?)
Valentine(Ptooey,some of it's right here in my mouth.)
Taz(Hey,what's this stuff in my bed?)
Jasmine(I just wanted a change.)
[Posted in FML issue 2492]