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Sat, 7 Nov 1998 00:08:13 -0500
silver e <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Congratulations on your newest baby, Pearl.  I have had a few rescues in my
6 years of being owned by ferrets.  Toby was my first rescue.  A friend of
mine and fellow ferret lover was the go-between responsible for me getting
Toby.  He was an adult male when I took him in.  I was told by my friend
that he was a really sweet guy who was really big.  She said he had a pot
belly and was really healthy.  She had seen him once, 2 months previously.
The reason the owner was getting rid of him was because he had bitten her
3 yr. old human baby.  When I got him, he was skin and bone, very weak,
and very ill looking.  My husband was afraid he must have a brain tumor or
something really serious wrong with him, because he could not walk in a
straight line.  He was afraid Toby would die, and he knew how upset I would
be, if that did happen.  I refused to believe that he was ill.  I was
certain in my heart that he was weak from starvation, and that with love
and TLC he would become strong again.  If he did bite that child, ( I still
don't believe he did ), he must have been hurt in some way .When he was
turned over to me , he came in a very small box.  The kind blow dryers for
hair come in.  He came with nothing else, no leftover food, no toys, no
bed, nothing.  To make a long story ,short, Toby put on weight, got much
stronger, and was the sweetest ferret anyone could ever ask for.  He was
gentle and loving and one of the best kissers I've ever had.  I truly
believe he was trying to show us how much he appreciated us and his new
home.  I had Toby for 3 years and just this summer had to assist him over
the bridge.  My heart still aches for this special little boy, who deserved
so much more in his earlier years.  I only hope that I was able to make it
up to him, in the latter years.
The whole moral of this story is to tell you that you are truly blessed to
have Pearl with you now.  I'm sure Pearl knows how much better her life is
already.  I hope you have that special bond with Pearl that I felt I had
with Toby.  God bless you for caring enough to make a difference in her
To anyone else out there who wonders " to rescue or not to rescue" the
rewards far outweigh the extra effort spent nursing these guys back to
Sally St. Germain and the 8 "Little Saints."
[Posted in FML issue 2485]