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Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:43:55 -0500
Alicia Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
Hi all--
well we still have 3 very young gals looking for homes-- and have still got
lots of oldsters too!  Though they are set in their ways and not very
We were able to reunite a local stray with her family-- she is now at her
vets awaiting adrenal surgery--
Max  and Cinnaboy have found loving adoptive homes!
Casper is still doing well -- but is not near adoptable state after
surgery-- even after several batteries of antibiotics ( that weren't
particularly inexpensive!) he has now been put on prednisone 2x daily in
the hopes of getting the long term intestinal condition cleared up-- there
is a chance Casper will never have regular stools after the prolonged
condition-- we continue to try --- in the eventCasper is as good as he can
get we will be trying to determine appropriate hospice placement for him--
he likes cats-- that is a plus!
Flint and Freddie are here-- and nearing adoptive state -- Flint was abused
and had a severe nipping tendency-- he now is ready for a strictly adult
home with low stress environment!  The two must remain together!
McKenzie who has been in shelter hospice for 2 years--(he was adopted out
and then we were notified by a local vet he had been left with an order to
destroy due to health problems (McKenzie's a chronic ulcer patient from
stress--) and an unstable living environment( his adoptive parent).  In
then past 2 years his health has waivered up and down-- with more down
times than not.  several times he has been admitted back to the shelter
from hospice when his condition became potentially fatal.  he has just been
scheduled for surgvery in the AM-- after a barium x-ray revealed a mass in
the stomach.  Please send healing thoughts for McKenzie-- he has had a very
hard life-- we hope he will gain some quality days!!!
"Troubles" (also known as "I've Got Troubles")-- received adrenal surgery
several weeks ago and is doing well under the care of his mom Mary (another
great hospice parent)!, she reports tufts of hair appearing.  Troubles
arrived with a fractured femur, 39 engorged ticks, 3 botfly larvae and over
one hundred fleas-- two years ago-- he has had orthopedic surgery following
2 weeks in traction.  He was then rehabbed after healing to gain full use
of his hind leg with minimlal rotation of one foot!  Now we hope his
beautiful albino coat will return.
Belle has fully recovered from her adrenal surgery (right) and vena cava
nick!  We were worried, but she is again her beautiful self in her senior
years!!!  symptom free of adrenal problems.
Bear is on prednisone for a long term infection which caused spleen removal
one year ago-- a battery of tests and urine suggests we may be facing some
kidney problems in the future-- send along some healing thoughts for this
BIG 4 1/4 lb boy!!!  Please.
Ewok is doing well though he currently deals with cardiomyopathy AND
insulinoma-- still he is a handsome old Mascot!
Brodie's hospice Mom reports he has fully recovered from his latest gastric
ulcer following insulinoma surgery.  We are happy to report his( Brodie's),
Belles, Troubles and Caspers surgery / vet bills are now Paid In full!!!!
Foster- Grand parents have picked Missy, Lulu, Munchkin and Casper-- these
kids are all on very special nutritional suppliments in addition to their
TF diet-- and doing WELL!  We thank the generous folks who have committied
support to their hospice care!  ALSO-We have been assisting a shelter
hospice mom (Pam) with her own neglect retreival ferret-- and slowly on our
special suppliment diet he is gaining some weight and gaining color in his
nose and pads-- we hope to make him strong enough for surgery soon!
Also the shelter kids received a $2 donation from the SOS/ FML dollar fund.
Thanks so very much to the generous fuzzies!  One dollar can go a very long
way- here it actually can supply: nutritional suppliments for 7 days to any
one our ailing oldsters!  One dollar can also pay for 1/3 of a distemper
vaccination, 1/5 of a bottle of amoxy, 2 rolls of paper towels, a gallon of
bleach, -- the list goes on and on.  We DO appreciate the kind thoughts and
support which enables us to take high risk kids and provide them with a
loving environment.
Thanks to all of you who have corresponded with us or supported our
mission- we continue on.
Fondly in ferrets,
for the many faces of Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2481]