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Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:00:02 -0500
Anna Curry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Belle and Tigger are feeling much better.  Tigger had a virus and gave it
to Belle.  It had nothing to do with hair-balls.  After 10 days Tigger is
starting to drink and eat a little.  He lost 1/2 lb last week and gained it
back this week due to the duck soup.  He still gets a little duck soup
until he starts eating his normal amount but not as much as he wants.  I
have to watch his weight he weighs 3 1/2 lbs.  Belle is about 3 days behind
Tigger so she should start to eat in a day or two.  She has lost .1 lb
since last week but considering the circumstances I am happy its not a
considerable amount, plus it was 2 different scales.  She did drink a good
amount of water today for the first time in 10 days.  Happy Day!  I was so
worried.  In the past 10 days I have been a nut and everyone around me knew
it.  I missed my vet apt this past Tuesday due to work with my good vet
which was a good thing.  I was afraid Belle had blockage so I couldn't wait
until Thursday when the good vet would be back so I called around and found
a REAL GREAT VET.  I was so impressed with him.  Belle is a little fighter.
She wouldn't let him take her temperature even with Ferretone and would not
let him take blood from her.  The vets response was that she looks so good
he is not going to stress her out by forcing her.  He raved about how great
they looked and complimented me on nursing them back to health.  These guys
have never had a virus before so next time I hope not to get so freaked
out.  By the looks of Belles stool he feels confident that she has no
blockage.  He wants to see them next week and the week after that they get
their yearly shots.  He wants to wait until they are completely over their
illness.  I felt very good about this vet today and I thanked him and told
him how rare he really is.  Belle will eventually have to give up some
blood, he liver levels haven't been tested in a year and they need to be
checked.  The vet said he could anisettes her but he does not want to do
that so we will have to find a way.  Any suggestions please let me know.
The Ferretone worked for Tigger but not Belle.  Do you think Ferretvite
would work better?
FERRET MATH: I talked to my boyfriend and he said we could get ONE more
ferret.  I want a 1 -2 year old girl for Belle.  Tigger dominates her along
with Kylo our Sha-pei and Belle hides alot.  This way I can set up a little
private play area for Belle and her new sister.  It will be some time
before we get her.  I want to give Belle and Tigger a change to recoup.  I
want to take Belle with me to the Ferret Shelter and pick her own sister.  I
expect to make a few trips until she decides.  If anyone has any suggestions
or info on ferrets picking their own playmate please let me know.
I cannot begin to express my appreciation to all of those who responded to
my plea for help.  It gave me great comfort to know that if I have an
emergency that I am not alone.  Thank you so very, very much.  Good health
and happiness be with you all.
Anna, Belle, & Tigger
[Posted in FML issue 2476]