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Tue, 27 Oct 1998 15:16:42 -0700
text/plain (29 lines)
A couple of weeks ago I telephoned a woman that I had never met, only
talked to, and I said to her that I was on an urgent waiting list for
surgery.  Before I had everything spit out she said to me "When would you
like me to pick up Sydnie?".  I didn't even ask her if she could help, she
just automatically new that I needed someone that I could trust to look
after my little fuzzie baby.  I told her that at that time I wasn't sure
when my surgery would be.  Well, I have since found out that it will take
place on November 5.  I called MONICA ISTVAN back and told her when the
surgery was scheduled for.
Well, I experienced a nasty asthma attack, and was told that I have to
clear my lungs before going under a general anesthetic, so again, I called
Monica and, bless her heart, she actually came to my house last Sunday and
picked up Sydnie as I was still under the weather from the attack.  (Yes,
I am allergic to Sydnie, but I am going to weather out the storm 'cause I
love her sooo much).
We are so fortunate to have so many caring, compassionate, knowledgable
people in this wonderful FML community.  Thanks BIG for your hard work and
efforts.  Monica, if you are reading this, thank you for being there for us
and looking after my little fert; you are our angel!
Carrie Renshaw, Calgary, Alberta
Sydnie (sleeping over at Auntie Monica's house)
Toby (will be sleeping over at Auntie Darlene's house)
PS:  Thanks to you Ronnie for reminding me awhile ago about Monica.
[Posted in FML issue 2475]