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Mon, 26 Oct 1998 20:21:25 -0800
text/plain (61 lines)
Hello all ferrety people,
I have two things to discuss here today.  One is on a more serious
school/help note and another on the fun sweet side.
Okay, here goes.  NUMBER ONE: For a history project at community college, I
have to do *something* for a long term project on the Pacific Northwest
Region of the U.S.  (I live here, btw).  We are in the 6th week of school
and we are supposed to have the rough draft due by next week (which is to
be considered not just a rough draft, but a good attempt at a finished
product), and/or it could last the entire 11 weeks of the quarter.  So, I
wanted to do a project on wildlife, and the prof.  said sure, as long as I
made it more specific.  Well, I need to decide SOON, so I was wondering if
I could get a general opinion here-
Would a project on ferrets in the San Juan Islands and how they're no
longer there and are now domestic pets be a project that would have enough
information to last me 5 weeks but has the potential to be summed up in 2
AND, Where would be a good resource to find information on this subject?  I
realise I have the internet, any articles I find there, but is there a good
place to look that someone could reccommend?
Could some people out there please help me out on these questions?
Thank you in advance if you can!!!  I would appreciate any/all
Okay, NUMBER TWO: Martin is turning into the biggest sweetheart!
I mean, I already thought he was, but then last night, the coolest thing
happened!!  -- I had him out and was playing with him and he was playing
"Dig Meg's Water Out of Her Glass Onto Her Lap" again, a new game that he
loves, and gets me soaked but I find so adorable and hilariously
entertaining that I don't have the heart to stop him (except to put him on
the floor so the floor gets wet and not me!).  So then after that, the
ferret who does not like treats willingly and eagerly accepted some of a
nutri-grain bar, which is funny since I now feel like I have a "health
ferret"!  hehe!
The best part of the whole night was when he looked at me from my bed and
he crawled onto my legs and onto my lap.  And I thought he'd then go to my
keyboard like he usually does, and then all of a sudden, he surprised me.
He just flopped down pancake style onto my lap and then crawled up onto my
stomach a bit and just sat with me, cuddling his head in the crook of my
elbow and getting comfy on me, letting me pet him.  He sat with me like
this for maybe 15 minutes!  I was so immensely happy!!!  At that moment, I
could feel in my heart how truly happy I am to have him as a part of my
life, and I feel so lucky to have a ferret sharing my home and my
afternoons and evenings.  Especially my wonderful Martin!!!
Okay everyone, thanks for listening to me!
and Martin the Martian, the most perfect ferret from Mars
"Come over, we'll ferret you out a rabbit."
--M Roualt to Charles, "Madame Bovary", the movie, French with English
[Posted in FML issue 2474]