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Thu, 15 Oct 1998 06:29:50 -0800
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Hi Ho Fertfolks! Soooooo good ta be a'readin ya'll agin!
Ferris is a dookin 'n dancin ta beat da band too!  And we're both just so
tremendously glad that this move is finally now basically DONE WITH EH!
<heavy relieved sigh ;o)>
The move very definetly has had many joys and benefits for us both also,
for my darling, Sir Ferris, who's always enjoyed the blessing of having
his very own "room", and thus always known at least "some" degree of his
"absolute" FREEDOM/INCLUSION/INDIVIDUALITY, just as I myself, within our
own little family unit.<Much the same as others "animal family members",
dogs, cats, pigs, parrots, et al . . . readily and routinely enjoy too!>
However, now, he and I enjoy his having not just a degree, but "wholly",
his complete and constant, COMPANIONSHIP!  We're verrrry happy 'bout dat!
This new "box" we moved into, in Chilliwack, BC Canada, though decidedly a
"cozy" space, is with certainty, the most remarkable, wonderful, and
amazingly, NATURALLY FERRETPROOFED HOME we's ever, ever, come across in all
our years!!  Apart from the traditional, "stuff the folded cardboard 'fake
walls' into the spaces round the appliances, and "invert a flannel (heavy!)
sheet round the 'boxspring' of the bed",<cause Ferris DIGS!;o)> this place
IS already completely "Ferretsafe".  It even has inaccessible cupboards and
windows, and a secured entrance!  And as if that were not a blessing enuf
eh, my mom 'n dad, <a terrif couple of folks!  ;o)> gave us their
beautiful, heavy, "hard wicker" & "cotton" living room set, it is also
Ferretproof, in an exchange, for a different "NON-Ferretproof" set, which I
had just recently inherited, when my Grandfather was called Home to be with
the Lord.  Soooo, my most precious and beloved Sir Ferris has constant
freedom in our little home all of the time now, and it IS just terrific,
and we are both overjoyed by it!  And, to ice the cake, we are now 'bout
ready ta add another special member to da family now too eh!  <And BTW,
Sheena, if ya are out there still, could ya email me private so's we could
hurry up 'n come by Wherret 'n maybe meet our new precious darling!?  And
you too, of course eh!  ;o) But right now, we don't know where ya is at,
and so far we hasn't been able ta find ya, though we is purtty sure ya is
out there somewhere eh!  ;o) >
Naturally, as with most in life, all this "sunshine 'n roses blessings" had
to include a couple of "thorns" too though, and the actual "process" of
moving, did have it's pricks to bear.  By far the worst jab, coming in the
discovery upon our arrival, that not only has the suite NOT AT ALL been
cleaned from the prior tenant, but the tenant had apparently also NOT
CLEANED for their entire tenancy either!  :o( While we shall refrain
from a detailed elucidation of the many and varied examples of filth we
encountered throughout the entire suite, we shall give you briefly one
sufficiently illustrative example, the "Fridge & Stove".  The stove first
as quite simply, the entire "burner plates and rings" had to be changed, as
the first had literally been "eaten" away <with HUGE holes eh!??> due to a
mix of rust and food consuming them, and then, there is the fridge, which
was an undescribable pandoras box of horrors, never have I seen as filthy a
thing in all my life, I lie not, it actually took me one and a half days,
of scrubbing, with both a big "wire" brush, to get the moldy rust off the
"entire insides" of the split fridge/freezer compartments, and with an old
"toothbrush" to dig the gunk out of ALL the "moldings" that surround both
of the compartment doors in conjunction with a bottle of Pinesol, and a
box of SOS cleaning pads!  Well, I did get the fridge lookin absolutely
spotless and spiffy alright, but much to my dismay, I have NOT at all
managed to effect the putrid odor of mold permiating the thing!  The smell
immediately seeps into any exposed or "unsealed" food, both in the freezer
and storage compartment!  Imagine it, moldy vegies, moldy fruits, moldy
butter, moldy meat, moldy ice cream sandwhich bars!  Needless to say, I
have laid down the law, literally, with my landlord and demanded he either
find a way to "remove" the odor completely, or he get me a different
"clean" fridge.  He chose to "attempt" to remove it by "consulting" his
regular "appliance repair" service as to if they could, BUT I'd bet lotssa
bucks here that they CAN'T myself eh!  He has agreed, much to his credit
and my own great relief and gratitude eh!
Ultimately however, to spite all of the thorns we have encountered, and
completely by the Grace and Will of God alone, we have now managed to
settle into our new, "very clean" home, and indeed, we are very happy, and
fairly well healed from the 3 days of hard labour required now!  BUT best
of all, we're back online and recieving the FML again, and may even have
some time to read a few of the digests we missed while away now!
To all the fertfolk on this list who I promised to provide my new email
addy to as soon as I got it, you'll find an email link below, and with
regards to Hope, Phyllis I have missed many of the 'details' regards the
situation now due to being off line these couple weeks, if you'd like to
please email me privately and update me.  And now Ferris and I are going
to hit the sack!  And in Sir Ferris' case, I do mean the "sack" eh, but,
that's a story for next time . . .
Ferris: "Mom! Wow! Didz ya seez, diz houz hadz odely 1 cloz dorz!!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
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[Posted in FML issue 2463]