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Sun, 25 Apr 1999 23:27:26 -0400
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You speak of *such* a saint!  Yes, in my mind, Mary Van Dahm is also this.
She was the inspiration for Ferret Wise - a stand alone facility.  If Mary
could do it , I figured so could others!  I soon found what an enormous
challenge would lie ahead, as I am sure Mary did-- Of course Ferret Wise
has no and very few volunteers, we could not keep up with 1-2 folks doing
ALL the work with the 50-60 per day ferret head counts.  Finally we had to
"specialize" and take only those who for the most part would have no other
chance.  Those especially who were victims of abuse & neglect, those who
required rehabilittaion other shelters would not provide.  Mary certainly
is and has been an inspiration to the ferret community.  Each day I think
of Mary and her tireless efforts to help the discarded and mistreated
ferrets, it helps me and this small entity known as Ferret Wise to
I would encourage anyone who is able to support Mary, support your local
shelters-- for most do go without to provide for the ferrets in their care.
Liek others have said it is a choice we make.
And you, Lisette, how flattering to mention a newby like myself in your
list of heroes!  It is not for myself, but for the fur children who cannot
do for themselves that I, and others such as Mary continue to work toward
the day when shelters and shelterers are not needed.  Bless you for your
support, and encouragement.  It does indeed help us, to help more ferrets,
that is what sheltering truly is about.
fondly in ferrets
for the many faces of Ferret Wise
and a member of the Mary van Dahm fan club!
[Posted in FML issue 2659]