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Sun, 28 Feb 1999 10:39:33 -0000
Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
>descenting is mutilation and unnecessary. [?]  Does the descent surgery
>actually make a ferret smell less?  If once a ferret is neutered/spayed,
>doesn't most of the scent go away, or is it still heavy?  I don't believe
>I've ever actually been around a ferret that "poofed", so I just don't
>know.  I want to know, as I may be considering getting an unaltered ferret,
>having it neutered/spayed later, but not descented.  Wondered if someone
>prefers descented over un-descented?  Thanks in advance for a reply.
The musky ferret smell is produced by a number small scent glands which
are all over their bodies.  The anal glands are for marking and defence.
Getting a ferret neutered will reduce the musky smell considerably so there
is absolutely no need to get any ferret de-scented.  Why run the risk of
having your ferret suffer from faecal incontinence?  At present I have 48
ferrets and all of them are intact in the anal scent gland area.
BTW if a ferret 'skunk' is doesn't linger- maybe 10 minutes - if it really
bothers you a quick spray with something like "Ferret Off" will solve the
I've been hearing some very disturbing reports of a white van - from N.
Wales according to some folk - that is touring parts of the Wirral and
Merseyside.  Apparently the driver? is handing out ferrets to kids on the
street.  My friends who run a rescue on the Wirral have already rescued
some ferrets that have come from this white van.  Two hobs (brothers?)
about 9 months old have been taken in by a new member of the welfare - he
just couldn't see the two ferrets dumped.  Until someone comes up with the
registration number of the van and a positive identity of this man the
RSPCA can't do anything.  It looks like 'our friend' is clearing surplus
stock ready for the coming breeding season.
Bolton Ferret Welfare & Editor of The National Ferret Welfare Society.
Web Site: www.btinternet.com/~sheila/ferrets.htm  last update 10 Jan 1999
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill, Deanna Troy, Cameron, Carnath, Button,
Bill & Bobby.
[Posted in FML issue 2601]