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Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:26:46 -0500
Mary Sennwald <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi Folks, I have a question on colour.  When we got our Loki, he had a
white head with a few bits of brown/blackish on his head, and a dark body
with white mitts and a brownish tail with a black end.  Nothin' special, it
was his beautiful personality that attracted us.  During the winter, he
turned a beautiful silver from the neck down , and his tail turned black.
He had the thickest, most luxurious coat!  *G* With 12, we found it an
interesting job to remember who everyone was, because the colours changed
so much on about 1/2 of them.  Ok, so now he has blown his winter coat, and
he is sort of a marbled black/silver on his back, the beautiful white under
coat has turned cream, and he now has a WHITE ring around the base of his
tail, about an inch wide!  LOL..  Is he just bored, or a poor dresser..
(he really looks odd right now) or..  do some ferrets change all the time
like this?  Does he maybe have a vitamin prob?  I realize this is a very
small perplexity, compared to many of the other health problems that some
folks are having, but I am really curious.  His poop is fine, he eats fine,
plays up a storm, ..  OH..  he IS deaf..  *G* wondering if he maybe
couldn't hear the finer fashion coat tips being given him by our 3 females.
He has always been on Totally Ferret..  and there is nothing wrong with
him.  All 12 of my ferrets have just very recently had their semi annual
check up at the vets.  Any ideas, anyone?  Just curious.
Mary and the tribe of 12 (including one awkward dresser!)
[Posted in FML issue 2591]