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Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:50:48 -0500
"Victoria \\Vikki\\" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi Everyone.
Well I am back with more questions and a comment or two.  I think this
forum and the people on it are just the greatest.  I learn something
Yoshi continued to improve and is off her medication now.  She is back to
her own self other then I feel she tires more quickly then before.  The Vet
didn't think it necessary that I give her tummy meds like pepto or pepcid
on an on-going basis.  Does that sound right to you guys or not?
My ferrets got into the guinea pig's hay the other day and had a blast.  I
took a long oversized box and cut a hole in the end and stuffed it with hay
for their room.  This box is 5 feet long and about 3' high.  They love to
run through it, roll in it, war dance in it and generally make a mess.  I
have watched them play in it and they aren't eating it when I am watching!
But they have free roam in their room.  I talked to a man at the local
Humane Shelter who use to do Ferret Rescue in this area.  He uses hay in
his cages and told me it was safe.  Does anyone have knowledge or
experience to the contrary?
I have taken Pasha out twice on his leash.  Once he was good and the last
time he tried to run and fought violently against his leash.  It scared me
so I brought him in and we haven't been out since.  Also some of you will
remember that I have Chewbacca, aka Chewie, who is scared of everything.
Freaks at noises and unfamiliar sounds.  I want to take him out but.....
Do I chance it?  I know he would enjoy it once he got use to it but I
certainly don't want him to be real stressed by the experience.  Pasha is 7
months and Chewie is 6 months.  I want to eventually take Kodo and Yoshi
out also.  Any comments and suggestions you might have will be appreciated.
Thanks to the humans and hugs to the fuzzies!
Warm Regards, Victoria
Have a Moment? Take a Peek! Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Cats and Rabbits, Oh
"Compassion...can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces
all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind." Dr. Albert
[Posted in FML issue 2586]