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Thu, 11 Feb 1999 12:56:28 -0500
Pamela Greene <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
I received the following message.  Can anyone help?  She's a little
confused about whether this ferret is male or female, but otherwise sounds
like a good caretaker. :)  Email me and I'll pass along her email address
and phone number.
Forwarded message:
>hello, i need help!  8 month ago i got a ferret for my birthday and
>i really love her but in december 1998 we discovered i had a lyphoma,
>it's a type of cancer. the docter said, because i will weaker when
>i get my chomotherapy i will not be able to handle my ferret or only
>with extremme precaution. I amtrying my best to take good care of
>him but i can't go on the way i am forever! My ferret is miserable,
>he has to stay in his cage for day when i'm at the hospital. PLEASE
>HELP ME, either find someone that could care for kitty during the
>six month of my treatment or else my parents will make me give her
>up. That's the last thing i want! I love my kitty so much. If you
>have another solution, any advices, or something/someone that could
>help me e-mail me at [snip] or call/fax at [snip].
>thanks marjorie (13 years old)
- Pam Greene                                   | If you were going to found
Ferret Central <http://www.ferretcentral.org/> | a preservation society for
   ftp://ftp.optics.rochester.edu/pub/pgreene/ | light, you'd want to invite
   INDEX FERRET to <[log in to unmask]>  | waveguides.-- Turan Erdogan
[Posted in FML issue 2584]