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Mon, 25 Jan 1999 00:53:31 +0000
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My, how they grow up so fast... before I know it they'll be off to college
and I'll be alone once more.  In the meantime I will enjoy her little
antics until the day she decides that this house is not big enough for the
12 of us.
Ping's Hissy Fit Hiss List Update:
Add to her last list of Why Ping Hisses, the following: not letting her
dig my plants up after shooing her out 22 times (Even Mushu gave up!); not
letting her into the bathroom when I want to pee; not letting her fly off
the clothes hangers on the top shelf of the closet; not letting her wear
aftershave; not letting her on the computer for more than 2o minutes; not
letting her run off with the entire bottle of Linatone; not letting her
ride the kitty - sorry Ping - not my choice!; not letting her suck on the
corner of the water bed bag.
The Fabulous Flying Zucchini Sisters
It has become a regular event that each morning as we prepare to leave for
work, Mushu and Ping get the rips and literally fly off of anything that
gets in their way.  I could have sworn the other morning that I had sugar
gliders instead of ferrets... I guess I must live with Transformer Ferrets
or Changling Ferrets... I have made it my mission to discover the truth
behind these alien beings!  I was wondering why they liked watching X-Files
so much... and somebody ordered Twilight Zones tapes...
Water Bowl Tip Issue Solution
After trying many an idea I discovered that by putting a glass pie plate
under the water dish and filling them both with water that it has stopped
the water tipping thing.  I also had to sign a paper declaring my
intentions to give them a swimming pool... they have given me until July in
which they will revert back to their old ways if I don't follow through!
Watering the Ferrets
Today as I was watering the plants, both Ping and Mushu decided that wet
dirt was definitely more fun to dig into than dry dirt.  I wish I had a
movie camera to record this hour and a half.  Just as I managed to get one
out of the dirt, the other one would hop right in... it's like they were
conspiring against me to see how long I would last.  They won... the first
round, well, and the 2nd and third.  Hell... they had me on the ropes for
what seemed forever.  But I have a plan... I have decided to booby trap the
plants with orange peels!  DOH!  How was I suppose to know they liked
orange peel!  Plan two: squirt bottle with vinegar/water mixture.  Nope,
they went straight for the full strength big bottle.  Damn!  Plan three:
Move and not give my forwarding address... I'd be homesick within the
hour.... I'm in love with their antics!
Weird Toes
I wanted to give them time to get use to all the climbing they could do in
their new environment and did not clip their toe nails right away.  I have
discovered that Ping is missing the nail off of one of her back toes and
that Mushu has two toe nails growing out of one of her back toes.  They are
fine otherwise, although I thought I saw one of them walking upright at 2
am yesterday morning.
Sick Brother
Chook, my 5 year old baby boy, has decided that he did not want to eat
anymore.  He lost half of his weight in under a week.  After two days at
the hospital, Chook regained some weight but it has been a slow climb since
then.  He drank water on his own and actually ate at the vet's but wouldn't
eat at home.  All the blood work found nothing out of the ordinary.  The
x-ray revealed an unknown grey area that the vet referred to as a "gas
cap" - something may have temporarily blocked off his stomach so that he
could not get the food down.  Food was changed, and since then, he has
improved slowly but steadily.  He was also placed on Amoxil for 10 days at
a lose dosage.  Many ideas have come to mind but none match what he could
have gotten into.  I was sick briefly with the flu and actually everyone
was affected.  They all showed soft runny stools but they cleared up a
couple of days later.  None lost weight except Bear but after two days of
making sure she was eating regularly, her weight returned to normal.  It is
still a mystery - no different colored poops, and no funny colored urine.
After three weeks, Chook finally took to eating a raisin.  You're not
leaving me yet if I have anything to say about it!
That's it for now... back to the grind.
My deepest sympathies to all those that crossed over... my strength to
those who have sick ones.
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
To my ferts: Life just keep getting better and better knowing you are in
my life.
[Posted in FML issue 2566]