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Print Reply
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 12:11:06 EST
Peter Flanagan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi all,
Can't believe it!  I took Winnie last week to get lab work done after weeks
of her being very lethargic and shaking.  Everything came back within
normal ranges and limits (yes she was fasting).  I took her to K.C.'s local
Feret- Guru-Vet Saturday and after describing her symptoms to Dr.Kolich, he
decided to re-check her blood glucose level and it was 47!!!!!!!!!!  The
previous test was 94!!!
How could there have been such a huge varience in values??
Anyway.....you all know what's coming next.  She's on Prednisone twice a
day (Yeeeeeuuuuuck!) to see if that will do something and I'm taking her
back to Dr.Kolich next Satruday for a re-check.  Something else that kinda
made me angry (seems like lots of things are making me angry lately) the
Vet that did the original blood work (Dr.Rodakovich) did not even try to
draw blood from an extremety first, he just put her out with some kind of
gas and went straight for her external jugular vein.  Dr.Kolich had someone
feed her Ferretone while she was scruffed and had no problem getting it
from her little wrist!  If it was that easy, then having been a Paramedic
and a Phlebotomist for years, I think I just might do it myself next time
and save the money.  Who knew drawing blood from a little Weasel could be
so dam expensive??
I know there's no cure for Insulinoma and fo right now Winnie seems to be
very happy and plays with her little Sister Wylie when she can.  I'll keep
my fingers and toes crossed that she stays happy and healthy for a very
long time.
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[Posted in FML issue 2566]