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Tue, 19 Jan 1999 18:13:38 -0500
Sherry Cox <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Hello to the people and fuzzies who are one of the hightlights in my day!
We went to the January meeting for Heart of Ohio Ferret Association (HOFA)
on Sunday, here in Columbus.  It was held at our wonderful friend and
shelter mom Scarlett's house.  We discussed all the upcoming events and
boy, are we gonna be busy here in Ohio, with a little help from Penn.  We
are going to have a table at the local Pet Expo on February 19th, 20th
and 21st.  Some of us are planning to go to the Three Rivers show, in
Pennsylvania in March, then the Ferret Frolic in Cincinnati, later that
month.  Anyone interested in any of these events, in the Columbus area,
drop me a line!
Then, *Ta-da* we are working on a show here in Columbus later in the year.
I'm very excited since the show in Penn in March will be my first ever, and
then I'll be right in the middle of helping with one here.  Now, if I can
just train my kids to sit patiently in someone's lap, I might even show
I've decided that Chuck, my S.O., can't go to any more meetings with me.
Everytime he does, we go home with more ferrets than we came with!  (Don't
buy that folks, I'm just as soft and squishy on them, too, I just let him
make the suggestion and groan some, while secretly, I'm thrilled).  The
shelter is really full, so some of the kids are being fostered out.  Of
course, the fact that you could see Chuck's eyes shining when he picked up
tiny little Pepper had people betting that when it comes time to place some
of these kids at the Expo in February, Pepper and Sugar wouldn't be on that
list.  They are a pair of bonded sprites, 2 and 3 years old, and sweet
hearts.  Pepper is the most unusual shade of gray that I or most people
have ever seen in a ferret.  She looks almost solid gray, from the top of
her head to her tail, although her points are a slight bit darker and her
belly a slight shade lighter.  She does have a mask.  Her color is
beautiful, but she is a skinny, skinny girl, so we are going to start some
duck soup tonight, in hopes of getting a little more weight on her.  Her
buddy is Sugar, a very sweet little sable female, who has the craziest
war-dance I've ever seen.  They are both MF, our first, and first, and
believe it or not, out of five ferrets, Sugar is our first sable.  I'll
have to get that camera clicking again, so everyone can see our business.
I had to laugh at Megan's list of retrieved items.  We lifted the couch
looking for the kids and found: 1 hairbrush, 1 roll of film, exposed and
waiting to be developed (thank goodness it was the aps type), two potatoes,
one match-box car, one loaf pan, several bills (they could have at least
paid them), one screwdriver and a flashlight.  Hmmm, wonder what they were
trying to do to the couch.
Also got a big kick out of Carol's story of the multiplying albinos!  I
consider myself very lucky to have Chuck, who has decided that we can never
break up, because who else would we find that loves ferrets so much?
Of course, I was very sad for all the lost fuzzies, and I say prayers for
each and every one of us, human and fuzzy alike.
http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/pier/8102/ Meet my fuzzy family!
[Posted in FML issue 2561]