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Print Reply
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 00:07:37 EST
M Bailey Green <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I was absolutely heartsick to hear that precious Bandit died.  I know he
was a special charge for you and how much you wanted him to be better.  I
know that you spent many hours and days and weeks to try to accomplish just
But, Randy, if Bandit's "mom" could just walk out agter 6.5 years because
she didn't want to deal with his medical problems-do you really think she
would have bothered to be with him, much less hold him while he died?  NO.
That woman was never his Mom.  You had him only 3 mos and loved him like he
was yours-BECAUSE HE WAS-you were his real mom and I know he was proud to
have you, finally.
If he felt a loss when his "mom" walked out it was only because that was
all he ever knew to that point.  But I have no doubt that by the time the
first week with you was over, Bandit knew he was home at last.
May God bless you, Randy, and all the others like you for your kindness to
those with "parents" like Bandit had.
Bailey and the 5 Demolition Fuzzbutts
[Posted in FML issue 2561]